NT5. Sustainable use of wild species

05 Sustainable use of wild species

Reduce illegal trade and harvesting of wildlife and enhance measures to prevent outbreak and spread of zoononic diseases.

Action plan tasks

  • 5-1Strengthen response to diseases originating from wildlife
    • Implementing and strengthening quarantine on wildlife

    • ㅇ Lay the groundwork for the implementation of a wildlife quarantine system, which is set to commence in May 2024 covering reptiles and other animals, including by identifying the responsible quarantine agency and the target animals and diseases and designating and creating quarantine facilities.

      ㅇ From 2024, tighten disease control and quarantine procedures for marine species, including amphibians.

      ㅇ Strengthen partnerships among relevant ministries to prevent the introduction of zoonotic diseases.
    • Promoting a national monitoring framework for wildlife diseases

    • ㅇ From 2024, build a cooperation network of partners at the central and local levels to monitor wildlife diseases. The ME and the National Institute of Wildlife Disease Control and Prevention (NIWDC) will oversee the monitoring of high-risk diseases. For other diseases, a local network comprising local disease diagnosis institutions and clinics affiliated with veterinary schools will be responsible for reporting confirmed cases to the NIWDC.

      ㅇ Develop a local-level wildlife disease prevention plan with a specific focus on diseases with high incidence rates in the area, based on the third edition of the Master Plan for the Management of Wildlife Diseases (2026-2030).

      ㅇ By 2025, develop the Korea Zoological Information Management System (K-ZIMS) to facilitate the disease management of animals in entertainment and exchange of veterinary data.
    • Facilitating the diagnosis and quarantine of wildlife diseases

    • ㅇ By 2025, develop a standardized diagnostic technique for 40 wildlife diseases designated as requiring management.

      ㅇ By 2025, formulate an emergency response manual for 10 high-risk wildlife diseases, and conduct active surveillance, including track-and-tracing and a list of contacts when a case is reported.
  • 5-2Tighten control over wildlife supply chains
    • Ensuring systematic management of entire wildlife supply chains

    • ㅇ Include wild animals placed outside statutory protection as of 2023 in the list of wild animals designated for management, and develop in phases, by 2025, a whitelist of animal species allowed for import to tighten import control.

      ㅇ Develop regulations, such as permit criteria and obligations, to introduce wildlife trade licenses and a declaration system for the transfer, receipt, storage and death of species that are under statutory protection.

      ㅇ Use the Wildlife Integrated Management System from December 2023 to track and trace the supply chain of wildlife trade from import to distribution.
    • Escalating crackdown on illegal wildlife harvest and trade

    • ㅇ Increase crackdown on major online businesses engaged in the sale of CITES species to prevent the spread of illegal trade online.

      ㅇ Introduce a proactive system to respond to repeated or planned poaching and trafficking, including guard posts in poaching-prone sites, monitoring by private watchers and training on poaching information, and raise the awareness and engagement of the public to prevent poaching and trafficking.

      ㅇ Encourage local residents to monitor illegal harvesting of forest products, and conduct continued and focused crackdowns on national park areas.

      ㅇ Ensure that the Korea Coast Guard, the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives and other related bodies work together to crack down on illegal fishing, and strengthen the management of inland fisheries for ports and markets nationwide where illegally caught fish products are distributed.
    • Expanding the scope of the timber legality assurance system

    • ㅇ From May 2025, expand the scope of timber products subject to the timber legality assurance system* , provide businesses with country specific guidelines (CSG)** on timber legality standards and increase the scientific accuracy of the assurance system based on tree species identification technology.
      * Currently, raw materials, such as logs and sawn timber, are subject to the system. From May 2023, the scope will be expanded to include wood pulp and boards.
      ** These guidelines will include information on timber legality legislation, supply chains and proof of compliance of each trade partner.
