NT4. Species and genetic diversity

04 Species and genetic diversity

Enhance conservation and restoration measures for nationally protected terrestrial and marine species, maintain species diversity at 95% and take vigorous measures to reduce human-wildlife conflicts.

Action plan tasks

  • 4-1Strengthen the in-situ and ex-situ management of nationally protected species
    • Ensuring the in-situ conservation of nationally protected species

    • ㅇ From 2024, establish a framework to assess the habitat status of each endangered species and develop the intuitional base to enable climate change vulnerability assessment and expansion of (special) wildlife protected areas. Identify, eliminate and monitor potential threats to the habitat of protected marine species, such as abandoned fishing nets and marine plastics.
    • Laying the groundwork for ex-situ conservation and management

    • ㅇ Conduct on-site surveys, instead of referring to indirect data, to identify the distribution of endangered wildlife, and build a database of preliminary data for conservation based on the ongoing, intensive survey of watchlisted species.

      ㅇ By 2027, strengthen propagation and recovery infrastructure for nationally protected species by increasing the number of ecological learning centers to accommodate and prevent fatal accidents associated with propagated and recovered species that are ready for release into nature and maladaptive species, creating the National Marine Species Recovery Center to oversee the recovery of protected marine species, and funding research on the propagation and recovery of natural monument animals and the establishment of the Otter Conservation Center.

      ㅇ Continue to develop technologies for the propagation and recovery of forest genetic resources and protected marine species in order to increase the number of technologies for the latter from 11 to 30.
    • Increasing nationally protected species designations and recovery efforts

    • ㅇ By 2030, increase the number of target species for recovery to 70, develop respective recovery plans and disseminate a taxon-specific propagation manual to ex-situ conservation organizations.

      ㅇ Take tailored management approaches to 571 rare plant species, based on their threat categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable).
  • 4-2Lay the groundwork for the management of genetic diversity of nationally protected species
    • Developing and monitoring a national index for genetic diversity

    • ㅇ Identify target species by taking into account the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources, and develop an index based on genetic analysis and the size of an effective population* to ensure the maintenance and management of national genetic diversity.
      * The minimum number of individuals in a population required to maintain its gene frequencies across generations that is used as an indirect estimate of the genetic diversity of the target species for conservation.

      ㅇ From 2026, monitor the identified target species and ensure that the National Biodiversity Center compiles and assesses monitoring data submitted from ministries.
    • Investing in research and projects to maintain genetic diversity

    • ㅇ From 2024, build a network of partners to secure a steady supply of biological samples, and strengthen the management of biological samples of endangered wildlife

      ㅇ By 2030, develop a plan to ensure the genetic conservation of endangered species experiencing genetic diversity loss, based on the management of individual species (lineage tracing) and genetic research.

      ㅇ By 2030, develop a habitat conservation and restoration plan for species indicating an apparent loss of genetic diversity, with the goal of maintaining their genetic diversity level above 95%. To this end, add genetic diversity to the conservation and restoration criteria that primarily focused on the number of individuals in a species.
  • 4-3Provide a stronger basis for human-wildlife coexistence
    • Promoting peaceful coexistence with wildlife

    • ㅇ From 2024, strengthen monitoring and regional response efforts to ensure the removal of bear traps and to prevent potential damages and accidents involving the wild Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus ussuricus), a large restored species whose habitat has expanded. ㅇ From 2024, survey the status of wild bird strikes and the accidental fall of wild animals into waterways to identify and improve artificial structures in need of repair, in order to minimize associated damage. ㅇ Strengthen the capacity to respond to insect outbreaks by building a database of local and international cases that includes information on insect species involved and their genetic data, and develop, by 2025, a guideline on eco-friendly biological pest control.
    • Preventing everyday damage and accidents involving wildlife

    • ㅇ From 2024, make revisions to the Wildlife Protection and Management Act (Wildlife Act) to ban the feeding of harmful wildlife and allow for preventive activities for species prohibited from poaching.

      ㅇ Develop and use a human-wildlife conflict (HWC) index* to quantify the damage inflicted on humans, wildlife and society and economy due to HWC.
      * A composite index designed to measure the magnitude of HWC incidents across three dimensions including human, wildlife and economic.
    • Strengthening safety measures for wildlife in captivity

    • ㅇ Build a sanctuary to harbor formerly captive bears in preparation for the ban on bear farming, which will take effect in 2026, and establish a facility to protect stray and abandoned wildlife in response to the rise in private wildlife ownership
