Responsible Ministries/Agencies for National Targets and Tasks

No. National targets and tasks Responsible ministries/agencies
1. Strengthen biodiversity management through spatial planning
1-1 Ensure integrated, biodiversity-inclusive spatial planning ME, MOLIT, MOF
1-2 Enhance assessment systems for areas of biological and ecological importance ME, MOF
2. Increase the value of natural capital through ecosystem restoration
2-1 Undertake a systematic survey and assessment of degraded land across the country ME, MOF, KFS
2-2 Strengthen restoration efforts across various ecosystems ME, MOLIT, MOF, KFS
2-3 Build an ecosystem for green restoration projects ME
3. Expand protected areas and OECMs and improve benefits to local communities
3-1 Increase the coverage of protected areas and OECMs ME, MND, MOLIT, MOF, CHA, KFS
3-2 Improve the management of protected areas and OECMs ME, MND, MOLIT, MOF, CHA, KFS
3-3 Deliver nature-related benefits to local communities ME, MOF, KFS
4. Strengthen the management of nationally protected species and genetic diversity
4-1 Strengthen the in-situ and ex-situ management of nationally protected species ME, MOF, CHA, KFS
4-2 Lay the groundwork for the management of genetic diversity of nationally protected species ME, MOF, KFS
4-3 Provide a stronger basis for human-wildlife coexistence ME
5. Enhance safety throughout the wildlife quarantine and control processes
5-1 Strengthen response to diseases originating from wildlife ME, MAFRA, MOF
5-2 Tighten control over wildlife supply chains ME, MOF, KCS, KFS
6. Strengthen the prevention and control of invasive alien species
6-1 Prevent the introduction of invasive alien species ME, MOF, KCS, KFS
6-2 Prevent the spread of invasive alien species ME, MOF, CHA, KFS
7. Reduce pollution harmful to biodiversity
7-1 Encourage moderate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides MAFRA, RDA
7-2 Reduce plastic waste ME, MOF
7-3 Control pollutants in rivers and coastal areas ME, MOF
8. Respond to climate change with nature-based solutions (NbS)
8-1 Increase carbon absorption through NbS ME, MAFRA, MOLIT, MOF, KFS
8-2 Assess and respond to the impacts of climate change on ecosystems ME, MOLIT, MOF, CHA, KFS
9. Promote sustainability in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture
9-1 Strengthen the basis for eco-friendly agriculture MAFRA
9-2 Create a virtuous cycle of forest management KFS
9-3 Ensure sustainable fisheries management MOF
10. Maintain and enhance ecosystem services
10-1 Assess, manage and promote ecosystem services ME, KFS
10-2 Prevent and recover from disasters with NbS ME, MOLIT
11. Enhance urban biodiversity
11-1 Strengthen connectivity and accessibility by expanding urban nature ME, MOLIT, KFS
11-2 Assess the health of urban ecosystems and enhance their qualitative value ME, KFS
12. Expand the sharing of benefits derived from genetic resources
12-1 Improve the access and benefit-sharing mechanism for genetic resources MSIT, MOTIE, MAFRA, ME, MOF, KFS, KDCA
12-2 Raise awareness and build capacity on benefit-sharing of genetic resources MSIT, MOTIE, ME, MOF, KFS
13. Embed the values of biodiversity in all aspects of society
13-1 Incorporate biodiversity into national policies and accounting All
14. Promote biodiversity and ESG management
14-1 Encourage the disclosure and publication of biodiversity-related information ME
14-2 Help build eco-friendly supply chains and increase recycling ME, MOF
15. Promote sustainable consumption
15-1 Promote green consumption ME, MAFRA
15-2 Reduce the generation of waste including food waste ME, MAFRA
16. Ensure the safe management of living modified organisms (LMOs) and emerging biotechnology
16-1 Enhance the effectiveness of LMO safety management and improve the relevant system MSIT, MOTIE, MAFRA, MOHW, ME, MOF
16-2 Respond to risks associated with emerging biotechnologies MOTIE, MAFRA, MOHW, ME, MOF
16-3 Raise biosafety awareness MOTIE, MSIT, MAFRA, MOHW, ME, MOF
17. Phase out harmful subsidies and expand eco-friendly incentives
17-1 Identify subsidies harmful to biodiversity ME, MOTIE, MAFRA, MOF, KFS
17-2 Phase out harmful subsidies and expand positive incentives ME, MOTIE, MAFRA, MOF, KFS
18. Mobilize financial resources for biodiversity
18-1 Lay the foundation to scale up biodiversity financing ME, MOF
19. Expand international contributions
19-1 Expand green ODA and science and technology cooperation MOFA, MOEF, MSIT, MOTIE, ME, MOF, KFS
19-2 Enhance responses and implementation of international agreements All
20. Raise biodiversity awareness, promote research and strengthen implementation management
20-1 Enhance NBSAP implementation monitoring and ensure transparent disclosure All
20-2 Raise biodiversity awareness and education All
20-3 Expand biodiversity research MSIT, ME, MOF, KFS
21. Ensure the participation of various stakeholders
21-1 Increase the participation of women, youth and persons with disabilities and promote citizen science MOFA, ME, MOF, KFS
21-2 Formulate and expand implementation of the LBSAP of local governments ME
  • CHA(Cultural Heritage Administration), KCS(Korea Customs Service), KDCA(Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency), KFS(Korea Forest Service), MAFRA(Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs), ME(Ministry of Environment), MND(Ministry of National Defense), MOF(Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries), MOHW(Ministry of Health and Welfare), MOLIT(Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport), MOTIE(Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy), MSIT(Ministry of Science and ICT), RDA(Rural Development Administration)