NT9. Agriculture, forestry, fisheries

09 Sustainable management

Ensure sustainable management of ecosystems where agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture take place, by increasing biodiversity-friendly production activities and developing and providing relevant technologies.

Action plan tasks

  • 9-1Strengthen the basis for eco-friendly agriculture
    • Supporting eco-friendly farms and creating production hubs

    • ㅇ Encourage a shift to eco-friendly agriculture through a direct payment program aimed at offsetting potential losses from eco-friendly agricultural practices and promoting their wider adoption.

      ㅇ Designate regions with a high concentration of eco-friendly farms as eco-friendly agricultural districts, and provide financial support for facilities, equipment and sales consulting services. Increase the number of these districts from 19 in 2022 to 120 in 2027.
    • Supporting the distribution of eco-friendly agricultural products

    • ㅇ Offer loans to distributors and retailers to help them buy eco-friendly agricultural products and train dietitians to encourage the use of eco-friendly agricultural products in public food services.

      ㅇ From 2025, build an online platform that provides distributors with production and shipment information on eco-friendly agricultural products to help them increase sales and diversify distribution channels.

      ㅇ Promote the consumption of eco-friendly agricultural products by studying their effects on environmental conservation, enhancing consumer education and marketing, and offering incentives such as cash points.

      ㅇ By 2027, establish 8 multi-functional spaces where families can learn about eco-friendly agricultural products through activity programs and also purchase them.
  • 9-2Create a virtuous cycle of forest management
    • Encouraging greater uptake of the KFCC forest certification scheme

    • ㅇ By 2030, increase the area of sustainably managed forests certified under the KFCC’s forest management (FM) certification scheme by up to 7%, and expand its coverage from state-owned forests to include public and private forests and Leading Forest Management Complexes*.
      * Economic forest complexes that are selected for their excellence in management with the aim of developing and spreading a successful forest management model
      2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
      Forest area under the KFCC-FM scheme (Unit: 1,000 ha) 725 732 740 747 754 762

      ㅇ Ensure transparency in the distribution of forest products from FM-certified forests by incentivizing* the use of CoC-certified** products.
      * Incentives include incorporating CoC-certified products into the assessment of ESG performance of private companies and public organizations.
      ** CoC (Chain of Custody) certification is a mechanism for tracking certified material from the FM-certified forest to the final forest product.

      ㅇ From 2023, invite businesses to integrate the forestry sector into their ESG strategies, and encourage local governments to join the network of “Cities with Sustainably Managed Forests” by achieving KFCC-FM certification and publicly declaring the sustainable management of their forests.
      - Based on an MOU, ensure that the KFS provides businesses with support to create FM-certified forests and encourages the use of products produced or processed from these forests. From 2024, revise the Forest Resources Creation and Management Act to promote public-private partnerships in the forestry sector.
      - Assist local governments interested in FM certification by supporting their efforts to develop a forest management model and expand the area of sustainably managed forests.

      ㅇ Raise public awareness of the KFCC forest certification scheme by promoting it at events and campaigns organized by public organizations and private companies and encouraging the widespread use of certified products.
  • 9-3Ensure sustainable fisheries management
    • Expanding and improving the TAC system

    • ㅇ Gradually increase the number of species and sectors subject to the TAC to ensure that the proportion of TAC-regulated stocks against total nearshore catch* reaches 60% by 2028.
      * Proportion of TAC-regulated stocks against total nearshore catch
      2021 2023 2025 2027
      Proportion of TAC-regulated stocks against total nearshore catch 27% 40% 50% 60&

      - Lay the foundation for the establishment of an IT-based monitoring system* to improve the system in terms of speed and accuracy to better monitor a growing number of TAC-regulated stocks.
      * The IT-based TAC monitoring system refers to a system designed to enable the integrated management of the TAC limit and the actual catch against the TAC, which is linked to the Fisheries Information Portal that provides information to fishermen.

      ㅇ Hold on-site policy information sessions and distribute promotional materials to enhance fishermen's understanding of the TAC system and to facilitate policy promotion, and build a cooperative system with relevant organizations to inspect TAC operations, exchange opinions, conduct joint enforcement and improve statistics.
      - The enhanced TAC management scheme, which also specifies how to manage bycatch species along with the TAC-regulated species, was put in place in July 2023 based on feedback from stakeholders according to revised guidelines.
    • Improving eco-friendly fishery product certification system

    • ㅇ Improve the eco-friendly fishery product certification system* by changing the current four-category (organic fishery products, antibiotic-free fishery products, organically processed food, fishery products without use of active treatment agents) system into a three-category (organic fishery products, antibiotic-free fishery products, organically processed food) system, integrating the “fishery products without use of active treatment agents” category into the “organic fishery products” category through the amendments to the Act on the Promotion of Environment-Friendly Agriculture and Fisheries and the Management of and Support for Organic Foods in the first half of 2024 based on a review of the effectiveness of keeping “fishery products without the use of active treatment agents” as a separate category and feedback from fishermen.
      * The eco-friendly fishery product certification system refers to an eco-friendly certification system designed to certify fisheries that comply with the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) rules to facilitate the production of safe fishery products in an eco-friendly manner.
